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Online Art Gallery

Welcome to York Hospital’s online art gallery. It was created in April 2021 when the York Hospital Art Committee and hospital leadership recognized the need to reach beyond 冰球突破 restrictions that were preventing hospital visitors from enjoying the featured work by local artists. These art installations had added color and joy to the atmosphere in the Dining Room for many years, and this online gallery was a way to continue sharing those feelings and experiences with the greater community.

Bringing artistic vibes and smiles

The York Hospital Dining Room is adorned with a rotating gallery of local artists’ work, offering visitors a chance to experience firsthand the inspiration and calming effects of art. Featured art can be viewed in person in the Dining Room during open hours (Monday–Friday, 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m.), and online anytime 24/7.


Want to show your artwork?

The Art Committee reviews submissions each fall for the following calendar year. The application deadline to be considered for 2026 is Friday, October 17, 2025. Learn more here.


Featured artists on tap

The 2025 exhibition schedule features the following:

  • Steve Litwin (original paintings, January through April)
  • Bruce McMillan (watercolor paintings, May through August)
  • Cheryl Keyworth (photographs, September through December)

Artwork available for purchase

If you would like to purchase artwork from the current online gallery, please contact Hilary Leonhard in the York Hospital Office of Philanthropy call (207) 351-3430 or send email to

Original paintings by Steve Litwin

An unlikely artist, Steve Litwin was a business owner for many years, busy with work and raising a family of three children and many dogs in New Jersey with his wife, Barbara Black, whom he calls  "his muse."  He began painting during a summer vacation in 2019 at the ocean in York, Maine. All his life he has been inspired by the natural beauty of Maine, and he and Barbara, now empty nesters, have become full time York Harbor residents. Mostly self-taught, Steve uses color as a primary means to express ideas, saying that he "loves how Impressionism and folk art can present a scene that starts a story. . . but relies on the viewer to decide the what, where and why . . . I love the idea of appealing to the storyteller in all of us." One work in particular has special meaning to Steve and was, in fact, inspired by York Hospital. In 2022, Steve's college-age daughter was admitted to the hospital and he felt that the "eyes" in the birch tree outside the main entrance were watching, caring, and understanding. His daughter was happily discharged after receiving wonderful care, and the painting came to life for Steve.   

View exhibition check list